eiken   お電話でのお問い合わせ0120-873-485 WEBでのお申し込み無料体験フォーム


名前 Yuki
出身 京都
出身校 京都外国語大学外国語学部英米語学科
資格 中学校英語教員免許
先生からの一言 Hello everyone!
英会話スクールLanguage House (ランゲージハウス)の講師Yukiです。
名前 Rick Gallagher
出身 アメリカ合衆国出身
出身校 University of Iowa
先生からの一言 Hell-o! I am Rick Gallagher from Portland, Oregon. I have a B.A., in American Literature and History. I also studied Art Education and Education K-12. Graduate studies in postmodern literature with an emphasis on poetry.
I was an elementary & high school teacher in the USA for over 20 years. This is my 7th year teaching in Japan. I have mastered numerous methods for teaching English over the course of my career. I am happy teaching anyone from children to university students to adults. I have a wealth of experience teaching all ages and all levels. From the most rudimentary to assisting university students with their graduation thesis.
My intent is to be engaging and create an enjoyable experience learning English that allows a level of fluency. I enjoy teaching and interacting with students. It will be fun and educational. Am happy to help you master English!
名前 Rada
出身 ブルガリア
出身校 奈良女子大学生活環境学部在学中
資格 TOEFL iBTスコア 90
先生からの一言 Hello and nice to meet you! My name is Rada, from Bulgaria. For me English was something always in the textbooks and only in school until I left home to study abroad. Suddenly thanks to English I was able to make friends and broaden my horizons. English even helped with my studies when I was able to access information not available in my native language. English was never easy. In fact I’m still learning it! However, I’ll be happy to help you with any struggle you might have while laughing and just having fun!

英語スクールLanguage House


お電話でのお問い合わせ0120-873-485 WEBでのお申し込み無料体験フォーム
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